Flexzi Jobs - Unlock your Potential

    Flexzi Jobs is a Job search portal for any Job seekers in 3 Cs for the Candidates / Consultants / Companies launched by Flexzo. We have an access through collection of guidance and resources for ensuring your ideal job. This platform that equips users with skills and helps them find a job for any suitable positions. We strive to bring the best Job search for Candidates / Consultants / Companies across India. Flexzi Jobs gives an opportunity to access an ocean of candidates database for the Recruiters / Consultants / Companies to outfit your appropriate positions. We share the candidate profiles to pick as per your requirements (Blue collar / Unskilled / Semiskilled / Skilled / Executive / Manager and above) Recruiters can maintain their data management system with free access on cloud based application. Recruiters / Consultants / Companies are permitted for free job posting on the portal. Unlocking Indias potential through Flexzi Jobs.

Company/Business name: Flexzi Jobs

Street Address: 2, Rajarajan Street, Visalakshi Nagar, Ekattuthangal

Postal/Zip Code: 600032

Email: support@flexzo.in

Phone: 4435012994

Website: https://www.flexzijobs.com

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